Last Stop on the Pain Train…

“I wanted to die…I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up,” the Viet Nam vet said, as his voice cracked and eyes filled with tears. It still shocks me when I hear those words come from someone with chronic pain…though I have heard it enough over the years that I should be […]

The Best Break-Up Ever

stress break up funny

Don’t you just LOVE that feeling of walking on eggshells when you’re around your stressed-out partner? And that dread you feel when you look at your always-growing to-do list? How about the heartburn or headaches you get a couple times a week (or more)? Yeah, I didn’t think so…me neither. Did you know that an estimated 80% […]

Taste of Renewal Tele-Class

photo, just a bite

Join me to learn more about the next FYB Renewal Program (starting on February 12th)…now FIVE weeks instead of four, but for the SAME PRICE! Get an extra week jam-packed full of stress-reducing tips, group discussion, techniques, laughter, surveys, practice sessions, assessments, videos and audios! Want just a taste??? MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9th 6:30pm EST In […]

Finding Inner Peace With One Simple Mind “Trick”


CRASH! “Mumble mumble…” (that wasn’t exactly what I uttered when I knocked the glass to the tile floor with my elbow, but you get the gist). “So this is how my week is going to start…bring it!” I thought, as 7am Monday morning greeted me with shards of glass on my kitchen floor. Immediately I […]

A Cancer Survivor, On Brittany Maynard’s Death

cancer post

Amidst all the controversy regarding the Brittany Maynard story is a girl who is fearful. She has a fear of speaking her opinion about the story because it’s likely not one that everyone shares. Yet, it’s one that she feels may speak to someone today, and so she shares. This is my story. No, mine […]

Eat The Marshmallow Already: Delaying Gratification (A Review of “The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control”)


My son is a choco-holic. Like, to the point of obsession. If he isn’t allowed to have some type of chocolate at some point in the day (even just a few chocolate chips sprinkled on his waffle in the morning, since they fit so perfectly into the little squares), he feels robbed of his basic human […]

Feeling Lost?


If there’s one thing I feel goes unspoken among those who know me well, it’s this…when it comes to book smarts, I’ve got ’em. Degrees with honors, 100% on multiple certification exams, a solid understanding of the human body and mind based on 6000+ hours of training and 25+ years of experience. BUT…common sense? Not […]

It’s About Time


“I just don’t have time!” How many times have you caught yourself saying this? If you’re anything like me, more than you care to admit. My 8-year-old gauges his time in what I call “Minecraft minutes”. He earns screen time (for tv or, his preferred screen time of choice, Minecraft) with movement…for each minute of […]

12 Things To Do Today To Create Joy


Just think of how many choices you make in a day: you choose what clothes to wear (sexy dress or Mom jeans…hmmm…)… what food to put in your body (trust me, body, you’ll thank me for choosing spinach instead of ice cream someday)… what music to listen to (when in doubt, disco never lets me […]

Let It Go…And This Is Not A Post About “Frozen”

Katy Perry pink extensions

A peek inside my brain as a student during a group yoga class: “I wonder how I would look with colored extensions in my hair?” “Seriously, you could never pull that off!” “That is a cute pair of yoga pants…I wonder where she got them.” “Are you kidding? You could never wear those with those hips.” […]