A Cancer Survivor, On Brittany Maynard’s Death

cancer post

Amidst all the controversy regarding the Brittany Maynard story is a girl who is fearful. She has a fear of speaking her opinion about the story because it’s likely not one that everyone shares. Yet, it’s one that she feels may speak to someone today, and so she shares. This is my story. No, mine […]

What Wine Pairs Best With A Fun-Size Snickers?


I have a huge bag of Halloween candy on my kitchen counter. It was purchased with the intention of immediately putting into a plastic cauldron (lovingly referred to by my Teacher Training graduates as “the cauldron of refined sugar”…since I rewarded them with candy often!)…and hiding it away so it wouldn’t be gone before Halloween. […]

Taking Care of Your Needs, Without “Lion” to Yourself


Last year, I was fortunate enough to discover The Wild Animal Sanctuary, a place in Colorado in which animals (carnivores like lions, tigers, and bears…oh my!) are rescued, often from misinformed people who attempt to keep such animals as pets. I just have to pause here to say…SERIOUSLY??? I can’t help but envision a group […]

C’mon, Just Drop On In…You’re Not a Pain!


In our society, we have almost become “programmed” to view pain as a bad thing.  I blame the media (truthfully, I blame them for a lot of things, but that’s beside the point). Actually, physical pain serves a very helpful purpose…it’s much like a bicycle messenger weaving through the cars on the streets of New […]