

Conferences, Seminars, Workshops


How and Why Your Body Reveals Stress

Do you sometimes wonder why you can FEEL stress in various ways in your body?  It may be physical pain…digestive discomfort…tension in your muscles…tightness in your chest, etc.  If you don’t properly manage stressful situations in your life (and believe me, we all have them!), did you know that your body can “take over” what you are repressing, and present as disharmony, disorder, and even disease? Learn about the various systems of the body, how they “communicate”, and 3 things you can easily do to stop stress from negatively affecting your body.

Rekindle the Spark in Your Relationship/Marriage

At the end of the day, are you so exhausted that you feel like you have NOTHING more to give? Do you feel that it’s too much of an effort to try to be “sexy” and “alluring” for your partner? These are common complaints I hear from wives and mothers. The truth is, relationships take work…but with a few easy techniques and a simple shift in perspective, the spark in your relationship can burn away the stress that once left you exhausted and feeling undesirable.

The Link Between Stress and Pain

Do you work with those who deal with chronic stress? Let me come teach the WHY’S to your patients or clients, as well as the HOW’S. Based on Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and stress management research from Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, my presentation is an easy-to-understand explanation of the mind-body connection. After gaining an understanding of the research and how it applies to them, your patients or clients will participate in any number of interactive stress and pain reduction techniques of your choosing.

Contact Debra to book one of these presentations (and/or discuss other options)
for your next conference or seminar!