A Cancer Survivor, On Brittany Maynard’s Death

cancer post

Amidst all the controversy regarding the Brittany Maynard story is a girl who is fearful. She has a fear of speaking her opinion about the story because it’s likely not one that everyone shares. Yet, it’s one that she feels may speak to someone today, and so she shares. This is my story. No, mine […]

Superheroes, Comedians, & Yogis

Seinfeld & Superman

(You’re right…that DOES sound like the name of a country band)  Demanding people (I call them “ the demanders”, since it sounds like a rogue team of bossy villains laughing maniacally. Then again, my imagination is a vivid one). I encounter the demanders more often than you’d think, in real life, not just my imagination—in […]

How To Relax Even If You Can’t Sit Still For 5 Minutes

FB profile pic, Summerfest

There’s nothing worse than someone using your own words back at you (well, perhaps world hunger, but that’s another blog entirely). So when I called my mother yesterday and complained about needing to relax, she said, “Wait, wasn’t that what your last tele-class was about? Why don’t you do some of the things you talked […]