12 Things To Do Today To Create Joy


Just think of how many choices you make in a day: you choose what clothes to wear (sexy dress or Mom jeans…hmmm…)… what food to put in your body (trust me, body, you’ll thank me for choosing spinach instead of ice cream someday)… what music to listen to (when in doubt, disco never lets me […]

What Wine Pairs Best With A Fun-Size Snickers?


I have a huge bag of Halloween candy on my kitchen counter. It was purchased with the intention of immediately putting into a plastic cauldron (lovingly referred to by my Teacher Training graduates as “the cauldron of refined sugar”…since I rewarded them with candy often!)…and hiding it away so it wouldn’t be gone before Halloween. […]

C’mon, Just Drop On In…You’re Not a Pain!


In our society, we have almost become “programmed” to view pain as a bad thing.  I blame the media (truthfully, I blame them for a lot of things, but that’s beside the point). Actually, physical pain serves a very helpful purpose…it’s much like a bicycle messenger weaving through the cars on the streets of New […]

We’re All In This Together!

31 days to quiet the voices

Welcome! I’m a firm believer in the power of the mind, and the role it plays in our physical well-being. Stress can be tackled in so many ways, but I find that when we begin with the things we say to ourselves, the job becomes much less daunting. Day 1: We’re All In This Together! […]

One Simple Trick to BEAT Stress Into Submission


How Affirmations Changed My Self-Talk When you look in the mirror, what’s the first thing you say to yourself? If you are like most women, it’s not something kind or complimentary. Most of us are WAY too hard on ourselves, and the media doesn’t help with that. Think about it…can you recall ONE company that […]