Fall: This Way to Better Health

arrow made of leaves

This time of year is one of transition…summer to fall, warm temperatures to cool, shedding layers to adding them (and often, shedding them again mid-day…adding them again in the evening…it’s almost exhausting just thinking about all of the wardrobe changes that could go on in a 24-hour period!). This is the time of year when I […]

How Brooke Shields made me enjoy leafy greens

leafy greens

Leafy green vegetables. Spinach, rainbow chard, dandelion greens, watercress, red chard, bok choy, kale, yellow chard (I know, there are LOTS of different colors of chard…who knew?!). Leafy green vegetables. What kind of feelings does the phrase evoke in you? Just imagine a group of hungry school-age children playing outside, and a mother who calls […]