Welcome! I’m a firm believer in the power of the mind, and the role it plays in our physical well-being.
Stress can be tackled in so many ways, but I find that when we begin with the things we say to ourselves,
the job becomes much less daunting.
Day 1: We’re All In This Together!
I was inspired to take part in a challenge called “Write 31 Days”, which annually takes place in October. Since I “joined the movement” late, my challenge will last into November, but nonetheless it will be 31 posts. For 31 days, I am going to take a journey with you…one that will challenge not only you, but me too. Because, guess what? Even those of us who dedicate our careers to helping others better themselves, experience struggle at times…take me for example. I have been solely dedicated to the field of wellness–physical, emotional, and spiritual–for well over 20 years. Does that mean that I’ve had no circumstances in which my emotions were all over the place? No way! Has my spiritual life led me to ask some tough questions of myself and my faith? Absolutely! And have I been free from physical ailments? The answer to that is obvious to those of you who know my story…but if you do not, the answer is a resounding “no”! Since dedicating my education and career to this, I have been diagnosed with cancer not once, but 3 times.
Now wait a minute…before you dismiss me and say “Why, then, should I listen to what you have to say?”, let me tell you this. First of all, I am human, and you and I most likely have a lot in common (besides just the “human” part)! ANYONE in the business I am in can tell you that they’re different from most, and that their lives have been transformed completely for good (a common claim made in similar industries). When I hear or read that from someone, I immediately feel that there is no authenticity in what that person says. When teachers, consultants, therapists, coaches, and others tell you that they never again had to deal with “xyz” once they _____ (fill in the blank: discovered a new product; found Jesus; created a program to help themselves; you name it)…they are not being truthful.
Here’s what I believe:
God CREATED us to make mistakes in our humanity, to struggle, to seek wise counsel from our mentors and those we look up to and trust. We were created to GROW on our individual journeys, to learn from others and ourselves (through reflection, asking the tough questions of ourselves, speaking with trusted friends, etc.). It is my belief that growth only happens when we experience things that challenge us as people. It happens when we take the time to really listen to those voices in our head, where our negative beliefs have taken up residence….and begin to QUIET those voices. And at first, there may be resistance, as it’s not what you’re used to doing! I will help you chip away at that resistance, and battle the negativity that is stealing your joy.
In “31 Days to Quiet the Voices in Your Head”, you’ll find a whole month (or more!) of blog posts dedicated to help you change your mindset…to put things into perspective…to tell the negative voices in your head, “I’m not gonna listen to you anymore!”
You may click on the links below when they go live each day. Enjoy!
Day 2: How Brooke Shields Made Me Enjoy Leafy Greens
Day 3: 3 Life Lessons A Mom Learned As A Football Coach
Day 4: Happiness Is Having Car Trouble
Day 5: What Taylor Swift Taught Me About Self-Image
Day 6: How To Relax Even If You Can’t Sit Still For 5 Minutes
Day 7: C’mon, Just Drop On In…You’re Not A Pain!
Day 8: Superheroes, Comedians, & Yogis
Day 9: Taking Care of Your Needs, Without “Lion” To Yourself
Day 10: Lessons In Self-Image, From a Cactus?!
Day 11: What Wine Pairs Best With a Fun-Size Snickers?
Day 12: What Does Your Home Say About You?
Day 13: Let It Go: And This Is Not a Post About “Frozen”
Day 14: Mix It Up, Just Like Tom Cruise!
Day 15: Fall: This Way To Better Health
Day 16: Your Story Ain’t My Story
Day 17: 12 Things To Do Today To Create Joy
Day 19: Allow Yourself Some Grace
Day 20: Birds-Eye View: Perspective
Day 22: 4 Workplace Tips, From A Party Animal
Day 23: Truly, ANYONE Can Do Yoga And Pilates
Day 24: Eat the Marshmallow Already: Delaying Gratification (a book review)
Day 25: A Cancer Survivor, On Brittany Maynard’s Death
Day 26: Myth: Yoga People Are “Bendy”
Day 27: How To Create More Time In Your Life
Day 28: Death By Voodoo: Is It Really Possible?
Day 29: 10 Questions to Ask To Make Exercise More Enjoyable
Day 30: Finding Inner Peace With One Simple Mind “Trick”
Day 31